Please fill in your details below, read and agree to the terms and conditions and submit the form by clicking the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the form.
Hirer contact details
Hirer contact details (* Hires must be aged 25 years and over)
Hirer requirements
Hire date:
(to include setting up and clearing away)
Hire area:
Caterers name and contact:
A £50 deposit is required immediately after the booking is confirmed to secure your reservation and cover any potential damage or cleaning costs. The deposit will be returned after the hall is inspected and everything is found to be in order.
An invoice will be issued, with payment required within 28 days.
Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter
(1st May – 30th April)
For just £750 you get exclusive hire of the whole venue from Friday 12:00 until Sunday 14:00. This gives you ample time to set up the venue to your liking before the wedding and to clean up the following day.
Spring / Summer
(1st May – 30th September)
£12 per hour for the main hall.
£12 per hour for the small meeting room / bar lounge and access to patio.
£20 per hour for the whole venue.
Autumn / Winter
(1st October – 30th April)
£14 per hour for the main hall.
£14 per hour for the small meeting room / bar lounge and access to patio.
£20 per hour for the whole venue.
A £100 deposit is required immediately after the booking is confirmed to secure your reservation and cover any potential damage or cleaning costs. The deposit will be returned after the hall is inspected and everything is found to be in order.
An invoice will be issued, with payment required within 28 days.
If you need to cancel your booking you must provide a minimum of 14 days notice to ensure any fees paid are fully refunded.
Payments can be made by BACS or cash.
BACS details
Account Number:
53 - 50 - 41
Sort Code:
Holme Lacy Village Hall
Account Name:
All hirers must remove ALL of their rubbish after their event
Main Hall - rear left door to car park.
Committee Room - Double Doors to rear of hall.
Bar area – Double doors out towards the recreational field.
Kitchen door to outside area.
Please make sure your guests are aware of the position of the fire extinguishers.
In the event of fire, sound the nearest Fire Alarm. The person in charge of the hall or function will instruct all persons to leave the building, using the nearest exits and assemble at the fire assembly point located at the front of the village hall (by the entrance gates). The emergency exit door from the main hall and the front door are suitable for wheelchair exit.
Call the fire service on the emergency number 999.
Give the address as Holme Lacy Village Hall, Bridge Road, Holme Lacy, Hereford HR2 6LP
Attendants should ensure that once the Hall has been evacuated, members of the public do not re-enter the building to collect any personal belongings.
While waiting for the Fire service, telephone one of the Committee members on 07526 461088, or any other committee member known to you.
On arrival of the fire service, the person in charge of the hall should notify the officer in charge that all persons are safe or should inform him/her of their last known position.
Attendants should only attempt to extinguish the outbreak using the fire appliances provided if it is considered safe to do so.
The location of the fire alarms
Main Hall – left of the rear doors to car park.
Bar area – left of the double doors out towards the recreational field.
Located on the kitchen window shelf, near external door.
Conditions of hire
These apply to the use of the Hall, its exterior and grounds.
The hirer is responsible for any damage or injury caused by items brought into the hall.
The hirer undertakes to avoid disturbing neighbours of the hall and avoid unsociable behaviour.
The hirer shall not use the premises for any purpose other than that described in the hiring agreement/booking form and shall not sub-hire or use the premises or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful purpose.
The hirer shall ensure that nothing is done on or in relation to the premises in contravention of the law relating to gaming, betting and lotteries.
The number of people on the premises shall not exceed the permitted capacity.
The hirer shall if preparing, serving or selling food observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations.
The hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought by them to the premises and used there shall be safe and in good working order and used in a safe manner.
No heating appliances shall be brought on to the premises without the consent of the Holme Lacy Village Hall committee.
You must ensure that any activities for children, young people and adults at risk are only provided by fit and proper persons in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and 2004, the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and any subsequent legislation.
No smoking or vaping is allowed inside the village hall. You must comply with the prohibition of smoking in public places provisions of the Health Act 2006 and regulations made thereunder.
All means of exit from the premises must be kept free from obstruction and immediately available for free public exit. The emergency lighting supply illuminating all exit signs will come on in the event of power failure.
The Village Hall Committee does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to any items brought into the hall.
Read and understand the fire procedures as detailed above.
Music to stop at 12.00 am.
All hirers to remove and take away all refuse generated by their event .
The hall must be left clean and tidy.
Check all lights are turned off including toilets.
Check all external doors are closed and the front door locked and return key to BOX B.
Please report anything not working/broken and leave note in book in kitchen.
Thank You. Your booking request has been submitted. Someone will contact you soon.
Missing data, please update and re-submit